Employee Onboarding Guide

Reboarding Current Employees

Updated: May 15th, 2024

Whether employees are returning from extended time off (e.g., a layoff, medical leave or secondment) or experience an internal transfer or promotion, "reboarding" refers to updating the employee on current and new projects; acclimating them to new team cultures and relationships; and helping the employee understand different expectations for success on the job.

two businesswomen laughing while collaborating in front of a computer

Why Reboard Employees?

Investing in reboarding can lead to increased productivity in a shorter time frame and allow employees the time to reconnect socially and emotionally to their teams and work, resulting in stronger engagement and job satisfaction.

Reboarding employees already have knowledge of the organization's culture, benefits and administrative processes. Therefore, the success of reboarding relies mainly on the manager and team members to integrate the employee into his or her role and culture of the team. 

For example:

  • An employee returning from a few months of medical leave would need to meet only new employees he or she will be working with, learn of any new or changed company policies, get up-to-date on current projects, etc. A welcome-back gathering might be planned to show team support.
  • An employee transferring from one division to another may need more intensive training on processes in that division or team, how he or she fits into ongoing and new projects, the roles of others on the team, specific short-term goals for the employee, and other meaningful instructions.