SHRM Northern California
Better workplaces for a better world starts locally
About Us
SHRM members in the greater San Francisco Bay Area are automatically part of SHRM Northern California. We’re a unique, chapter-like community of more than 8,000 local professionals who get enhanced local member benefits at no additional cost.

Exclusive Events
Attend HR Roundtables, Education Seminars, Mentorship Events, Webinars, Meet and Mingles and the SHRM Northern California Annual Conference that takes place in the Fall. SHRM NorCal also offers Spring and Winter study group sessions to enhance your Certification Preparation for SHRM’s accredited behavioral competency-based certifications: SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP. Invest in yourself and have fun while doing it!
A Passionate Local Community
Join an online community of HR professionals in your area. Get and give advice. The Northern California group is an open community for SHRM members.