SHRM Civility Logo sparking 1 million conversations

Introducing the SHRM Civility Index


Just how much is incivility affecting your organization? New SHRM research highlights the urgent need for workplace civility, with U.S. workers facing millions of acts of incivility per day.

Facilitate Civil Conversations with Your Team

Rising Team Civil Conversations

Access this free, web-based tool from SHRM and Rising Team to facilitate a team activity for fostering civil and open dialogue: 

  • Developed from SHRM leadership research on civility
  • 30 to 60 minute exercise based on team size
  • Builds trust and connection
  • Suitable for in-person and remote teams
  • Ideal for all levels, from executives to frontline
Rising Team Civil Conversations

The Importance of Civility in the U.S.

Practicing civil behavior establishes a safe and empathetic environment where individuals can contribute their best ideas, knowing they will be heard and valued.

Civility is more than making others feel comfortable; it's about creating a dynamic, diverse, and productive workplace where everyone can thrive.


161 million people work in the U.S. every day.


U.S. workers collectively experience 171 million acts of incivility per day.


Over half of U.S. workers believe our society is uncivil.


SHRM is leading the change starting with 1 million civil conversations.

Every voice makes a difference. Have you been civil today?

Civility Starts With You

SHRM is committed to bridging this divide and fostering inclusivity in the workplace through the 1 Million Civil Conversations initiative. Explore resources for integrating awareness of civility in your organization.

Playing Cards Icon

Start the Conversation

Building trust and creating a safe space for others to share their thoughts can begin with you. Keep these cards in your back pocket to turn discord into dialogue and conflict into opportunity.

Playing Cards Icon

Join the Conversation

We are all responsible for championing better workplaces through open and civil dialogue. Share your commitment and engage with us on social media using:


SHRM + Civility

Civility at Work

Civility in Action

Civility Defined

The State of Civility in the Workplace

Our research shows the importance of navigating the delicate balance of encouraging open dialogue while maintaining respect for individual differences as we aim to build a more respectful, understanding, and collaborative world of work.



Nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers have experienced or witnessed incivility in their workplace within the past month.

Source: SHRM Research on Civility, Conflict and Expression, February 2024



One-third of U.S. workers believe workplace conflict will increase over the next 12 months.

Source: SHRM Research on Civility, Conflict and Expression, February 2024

Insightful Content, Expert Perspectives

Many U.S. workers are bracing for more political discussions at home and work. Half of employees believe workplace political discussions hurt the work environment, according to new data.

Surveys show that Black employees often face workplace hostility that impacts their physical, mental and emotional health. Several Black professionals shared their own experiences and the role that civility plays in creating a more inclusive workplace.

Scholar and women’s rights activist Rangita de Silva de Alwis shares how allyship can provide women with new leadership opportunities in the workplace.

Much of the conflict in workplaces plays out over email and text, often due to misunderstandings about tone and intent of the communications. Experts offer tips on keeping email messages civil and understandable.

Inflation and talent shortages continue to be a top concern for organizations in 2024, and HR is stretched thin trying to recruit and retain top talent while reducing costs and increasing efficiencies.

Antisemitism has skyrocketed in recent months, according to new data released by the Anti-Defamation League. Could workplace civility play a role in reducing such hate crimes?

Polite conversation between employees over tea.

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