Lady explaining in the drawing board

Employee Performance and Discipline

The topic of performance management can bring dread to managers and employees alike. But a successful system can positively impact the bottom line, provide a path for goals to be achieved and increase employee morale. This resource hub page can help HR implement and maintain a successful strategic process.

A woman is walking down a hallway with a briefcase.

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News & Research

What’s the best approach for challenging poor performance reviews and curbing managerial outbursts? SHRM President and Chief Executive Officer Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, answers questions each week for USA Today.

Having to tell an employee their work is subpar is never easy. Lead with compassion and create strong relationships and trust now so that when a harsh review is necessary, it will go more smoothly.

Why do some workplaces seem to only have “superstar” employees, according to their performance reviews? Try a different scoring approach to yearly assessments to give workers and managers a clearer picture of how to rank their performance.

Sometimes, despite performance discussions and commitments to do better, employee behavior just doesn’t improve. Here’s how HR managers can approach this challenge and bring it to an end.

When you accept an employee's idea, they need more than your go-ahead—they also need ample support and resources to successfully implement their proposal.

How you handle employee discipline meetings can make the difference between their success and failure.

One of the many exciting growth areas in HR technology is a data analytics function called organizational network analysis (ONA). ONA software captures communications and survey data to help identify and understand the relationships between people within an organization.

What should employees do when they feel they've received an unfair or unexpected poor performance review? Are workers on leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act protected from layoffs? SHRM President and Chief Executive Officer Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, answers HR questions each week for USA Today.

lady smiling

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