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In accordance with [Company Name]'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are adopting this policy to safeguard the health of our employees and their families; our customers and visitors; and the community at large from infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 or influenza, the spread of which in the workplace may be reduced by employee vaccinations. This policy will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and follow guidance from health and employment authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and may be subject to change. If there are changes, [Company Name] will update the policy as soon as possible and communicate the changes in writing.
All employees are required to receive vaccinations as determined by [insert relevant department or safety committee], unless reasonable accommodation is approved. Employees may request an exception to the mandatory vaccination policy if the vaccine is medically contraindicated or if medical necessity requires a delay. Employees may also be entitled to a reasonable accommodation if they cannot be vaccinated or wear a face covering due to a disability or if doing so conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. All requests will be handled in accordance with applicable laws and [insert reference(s) to the employer’s applicable policies and procedures]. Employees not in compliance with this policy will be placed on unpaid leave until their employment status is determined by the human resources department.
Employees will be notified by the human resources department as to the type of vaccination(s) covered by this policy and the timeframe(s) for having the vaccine(s) administered. [Company Name] will provide either onsite access to the vaccines or a list of locations to assist employees in receiving the vaccine on their own.
[Company Name] will pay for all vaccinations required in this policy. When not received in-house, vaccinations should be administered through your health insurance and be submitted for reimbursement where applicable.
All employees will be paid for the time taken to receive vaccinations. For offsite vaccinations, employees are to work with their managers to schedule appropriate time to comply with this policy.
Before the stated deadlines to be vaccinated have expired, employees will be required to provide either proof of vaccination or an approved reasonable accommodation to be exempted from the requirements.
Reasonable Accommodation
Employees in need of an exemption from this policy due to a medical reason, or because of a sincerely held religious belief must submit a completed Request for Accommodation form to the human resources department to begin the interactive accommodation process as soon as possible after vaccination deadlines have been announced. Accommodations will be granted where they do not cause [Company Name] undue hardship or pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
[Company Name] requires all medical information including disability related inquiries, medical exams, and voluntarily disclosed information such as vaccination status or contagious diseases to be kept confidential. Disclosure is limited to supervisors, managers, safety personnel, and governmental officials when required by law.
Please direct any questions regarding this policy to the human resources department.
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