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California Paid Sick Leave Sample Policy (Accrual)

This content has been updated to reflect changes effective Jan. 1, 2024.


[Company Name] provides paid sick leave to employees who have worked 30 or more days in California within a year of their employment with the company or at the time this policy becomes effective.


All employees who have worked 30 or more days in California within a year of their employment with the company and completed a 90-day employment period before taking any paid sick leave.


Eligible employees will accrue one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked up to a maximum accrual of 40 hours or five days, whichever is greater, per [calendar year or other 12-month period].

Upon successfully completing 90 days of employment, eligible employees may begin to use paid sick time under this policy in increments of two hours, up to a maximum of 40 hours, or five days, whichever is greater, per [calendar year or other 12-month period]. 

Accrued, unused time under this policy will carry over each year up to a maximum accrual of 80 hours or 10 days, whichever is greater. [Optional: The company requires employees to use paid sick leave under this policy in minimum increments of two hours.]

Leave under this policy may be used in connection with the diagnosis, care or treatment of an existing health condition for, or the preventive care of, an employee or an employee's immediate family member. "Family member" for purposes of this policy includes spouses, registered domestic partners, children (regardless of age), parents (including step-parents and parents-in-law), grandparents, grandchildren, siblings or a designated person. Leave under this policy may also be used for employees who are the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. 

Employees requesting time off under this policy should provide as much advanced notice to [human resources/other job title] as practicable, and employees who take more than three days of leave will be required to provide appropriate documentation to [human resources/other job title] in support of the leave taken.

Unused time under this policy is not paid out at the time of separation from employment. However, employees who are re-employed with the company within a year of separation will have their accrued unused bank of time off under this policy made available to them. 

Leave under this policy may run concurrently with leave taken under other applicable policies as well as under local, state or federal law, including leave taken pursuant to the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) or the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

For more information regarding leave under this policy, contact [human resources/other job title].


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