Editor's Note: On Aug. 29, 2022, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a decision that may impact employer dress code policies, including uniform policies, unless the employer can prove a "special circumstance." For more information on this decision, see NLRB Upholds Tesla Employees' Right to Wear Union Logos.
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Employee appearance contributes to [Company Name]'s culture and reputation. Employees are expected to present themselves in a professional manner that results in a favorable impression by clients and customers.
[Company Name] department managers may exercise reasonable discretion to determine appropriateness in employee dress and appearance. Employees who do not meet a professional standard may be sent home to change, and nonexempt employees will not be paid for that time. Reasonable accommodations will be made where required.
Business Professional Attire
Traditional business attire is expected of all employees. Basic elements for appropriate and professional business attire include clothing that is in neat and clean condition. Examples include:
Men: Sports jacket with tie, dress pants, pressed, button-down collared shirt, either leather shoes, or other dress shoes, dark dress socks, conservative accessories. Clean and well groomed.
Women: Dress, dress pants, skirt, blouse, sweater, shirt, pantyhose, closed-toe shoes, conservative accessories. Skirts and dresses should always sit just above the knee or longer. Watch for fit to ensure not too tight, baggy or short. Well pressed and in good condition.
Appropriate workplace dress does not include clothing that is too tight or revealing; clothing with rips, tears or frays; or any extreme style or fashion in dress, footwear, accessories or fragrances.
[Company Name] will apply a reasonable and professional workplace standard to individuals on a case-by-case basis. Management may make exceptions for special occasions or in the case of inclement weather, at which time employees will be notified in advance. An employee who is unsure of what is appropriate should check with his or her manager or supervisor.
Business Casual Attire
Business casual dress will be permitted on Fridays. When meeting clients, business professional dress guidelines must be observed, unless the client has specifically requested otherwise.
Business casual dress is defined as follows:
- Casual shirts: All shirts with collars, business casual crewneck or V-neck shirts, blouses, and golf and polo shirts. Examples of inappropriate shirts include T-shirts, shirts with inappropriate slogans or graphics, tank tops, muscle shirts, camouflage and crop tops.
- Pants: Casual slacks and trousers and jeans without holes, frays, etc. Examples of inappropriate pants include shorts, camouflage, and pants worn below the waist or hip line.
- Footwear: Casual slip-on or tie shoes, dress sandals, and clean athletic shoes. Examples of inappropriate footwear include flip-flops and construction or hunting boots.
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