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Workplace Napping

There are times when employees may need private space at work. Perhaps a Muslim employee needs to pray, or a nursing mother needs to express breastmilk. Maybe a worker needs a quiet space to focus on mental health or have a power nap.

Employers with limited space may not be able to provide a separate room for each accommodation. So here are some ideas for creating a multipurpose room to accommodate various employee requests.
Tips for Creating Multipurpose Accommodation Rooms for Employees
SHRM | Feb 2020

National Napping Day 2024 is Monday, Mar 11
National Today

Napping on the job was once grounds for being fired. But new research shows that it may be wise for employers to actively encourage workers to take a power nap for better brain health.

In fact, researchers at UCL, one of the top universities in London, and the University of the Republic in Uruguay found that daytime napping could slow the rate at which brains shrink as we age.
Power naps can slow down your brain’s aging process—so is it time employers embrace snoozing on the clock?
Yahoo! Finance | Jun 2023

Access the study
Sleep Health Journal

Although employees can't be productive while they nap, the productivity gains they make after napping may be well worth the time they slept.
Nap Time? Sleeping at Work Boosts Productivity
Business News Daily | Feb 2023

The key to productivity may actually be encouraging workers to sleep during the day. Learn more about incorporating naptime into your workplace.
Why You Should Let Your Employees Nap on the Job | Feb 2023

People nap for a variety of reasons. Perhaps taking an afternoon siesta is part of your culture, or maybe you have noticed a midday nap helps you feel less stressed. However, busy work schedules do not always allow for long daytime breaks to retreat to bed. This is why many people are intrigued by the idea of the power nap.
How Long Is a Power Nap?
The Sleep Doctor | Dec 2022

In the 1990s, a sleep expert invented the term "power nap" to encourage people to take brief naps at work. A short, 20-30 minute nap can do wonders for your energy levels and productivity.  According to the National Sleep Foundation, one of their studies discovered that a 40-minute nap enhances productivity by 34 percent.
5 Companies That Let You Take Power Naps at Work
Jumpstart | Jun 2022

Related Reading

Supporting Sleep Health
SHRM Express Request

We deserve to have the autonomy to decide if, and when, we need rest.
The Case for Taking Naps (Even at Work)
Harvard Business Review | Mar 2022

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