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Empowering Women in the Workplace

Rangita de Silva de Alwis, a scholar and activist who has worked in more than 25 countries advocating for women’s rights with different governmental organizations, including the United Nations, is fed up with inclusion, equity and diversity (IE&D) training.

In fact, this associate dean of international affairs at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and author of extensive research on gender disparities thinks prepackaged, mandated IE&D training on gender equality are exacerbating the problems they seek to address.
Allyship as a Path to Equality
SHRM | Feb 2024

International Women's Day
Marked annually on March 8

SHRM’s International Women's Day Virtual Retreat
Celebrate, Inspire, Empower: SHRM Honors International Women’s Day
Join us for an empowering celebration as we convene an extraordinary line up of trailblazing women from the C-suite to share their insights, experiences, and journeys. By bringing together a diverse group of participants and speakers, we aim to create an environment that is rich in perspectives and experiences, facilitating a day of learning, inspiration, and empowerment. Together, let's take a step forward in shaping a more equitable and inclusive world.
View: International Women's Day Virtual Retreat

Empowering Women in the Workplace

Employers are more likely to attract women when they prioritize pay equity, conduct regular pay audits, place a high value on transparency, and share with their workforce the steps taken to improve equity in the workplace. Equality in pay includes all forms of compensation, including base salary or wages, overtime, bonuses, benefits, and any other perks or remuneration. If you decide to conduct a pay audit, we recommend you work with counsel so that the results of the audit are protected by the attorney-client privilege.
10 Ways to Empower Women in 2024
Fisher Phillips | Feb 2024

Encourage flexible schedules and remote work options to accommodate the balance of caregiving responsibilities. Consider this for all employees so a culture isn’t cultivated where only mothers or caregivers are exercising flexible schedules, but everyone is for a more balanced approach to their personal and professional spheres.
Empowering Women Leaders
Psychology Today | Nov 2023

Valuing the unique skills and experiences that women leaders bring allows organizations to redefine leadership qualities and embrace diverse perspectives. Broadening access to critical assignments, expanding networking opportunities with senior leaders, and implementing supportive policies and resources for flexible work arrangements can further empower female employees.
Driving Gender Equality and Empowering Women Leaders in the Workplace
Lockton | Nov 2023

Challenges also exist for women working in a hybrid environment. About one-third of women surveyed say they have experienced unpredictable working hours, and similar numbers say they don’t have enough flexibility in their working pattern and/or are expected to go into the workplace despite messaging that says otherwise. These are all significant increases since 2022, indicating that many organizations may be giving muddled messages about hybrid work.
Empowering women at work
Deloitte | Apr 2023

Related Reading

Technology and Pay Equity: Making the Right Choices for Optimal Results
SHRM | Feb 2024

Viewpoint: Striving to Achieve Gender Equity in the Workplace
SHRM | Sep 2023

Pay Equity    Pay Transparency

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