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How to Unplug on Vacation

Employees in the U.S. are notorious for not taking their allotted, employer-paid vacation time. Even when they do take time off, they often use some of that time to work and check e-mail.

Fifty-four percent of U.S. professionals said they are unable to unplug from work or do not believe they can fully do so while on paid time off (PTO), according to a survey of 20,297 respondents conducted in June for Glassdoor.Workers Have Trouble Unplugging While on PTO
SHRM | Jul 2022

How to Unplug on Vacation

Your company will not fall apart if you're incommunicado for a week…or 3. You are not indispensable. And that's for the best.  No one should be the single fail point for a company or team.  And if you are, there are bigger problems looming.
How, And Why, To Actually Unplug On Vacation
Thrive Global | Jun 2023

Investing an hour in creating a plan so you can unplug for a week is a great trade off. But how do you do it effectively?
4 Steps to Unplugging for Vacation
Workweek | May 2023

Unlink your work email, chats, calendar, and anything else synced up to your phone and tablet. These things cause a constant distraction and force you to work. Before leaving, set an away message and refer emergencies to someone else. This ensures important issues get resolved and reduces notifications.
Time to Disconnect: 6 Ways to Not Work on Vacation
iTrip | May 2023

Unfortunately, endless work messages and overflowing email inboxes may be preventing many knowledge workers from feeling like they can relax and unplug while on vacation. It's no secret that being "always connected" impacts work-life balance, mental health and relationships—and it may also influence how much vacation time you take.
3 Ways Unplugging On Vacation Improves Mental Health And Relationships
(Limited free articles without a subscription.)
Forbes | May 2023

Research and commentary dating back to the 1910s shows that taking vacations — as in, completely disconnecting from work — is critical to lowering burnout, increasing energy and engagement, and improving overall health and well-being, which in turn will lead to more consistent productivity.
Set These 5 Boundaries Before You Go on Vacation
(Limited free articles without a subscription.)
Harvard Business Review | May 2023

Give this vacation the attention and detail you would a work project. Fill this time away from the office with fun activities and adventure, or simply relax and do not think much of anything at all. Create the refresh and balance you need, and do it with intention. Plan to spend your time being present and genuinely unplugging from work demands.
How to Take a True Vacation and Unplug from Work
Staples | Jul 2022

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