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California Heat Illness Prevention Standard

Employers in California must take steps to protect outdoor workers from heat illness by providing water, rest, shade and training.

When working in these hotter conditions for the first time this year, workers must be closely observed for any signs of heat illness.

Cal/OSHA’s heat illness prevention standard applies to all outdoor worksites. To prevent heat illness, the law requires employers to provide outdoor workers fresh water, access to shade at 80 degrees and, whenever requested by a worker, cool-down rest breaks in addition to regular breaks. Employers must also maintain a written prevention plan with effective training for supervisors to recognize the common signs and symptoms of heat illness, and what to do in case of an emergency.
Cal/OSHA Reminds Employers to Protect Workers from Heat Illness During High Temperatures
CA DIR | May 2024

Heat Illness Prevention – home page
Heat Illness Prevention eTool
Preventative Cool Down Rest Periods
Protection from Wildfire Smoke Standard
Heat Illness Prevention Enforcement Q&A
CA DOSH Resources: Outdoor Workers

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A Reminder About Heat Illness Breaks for California Employers
Lewis Brisbois | May 2024

Safety Meeting: Preventing Heat Illness
State Compensation Insurance Fund | May 2024

It’s Time to Review Your Heat Illness Prevention Plan
California Employers Association

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California Considers Workers’ Compensation Heat Illness Presumption for Agricultural Workers
Ogletree | Apr 2024

Follow this topic Cal/OSHA
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