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Know the Venue, Map Out a Plan and Pack Smart

SHRM convention hall

Longtime SHRM member April Frank, SHRM-CP, remembers the energy in the air as she stepped off the shuttle bus to enter her first SHRM Annual Conference & Expo.

“It was amazing to see all these people gathered in one place to talk about HR issues. That was really inspiring,” Frank said.

She is now a principal at Essential Business Consulting, a national SHRM member since 2008, a member of the Southwest Area Human Resource Association chapter in Dickinson, N.D. since 2016, a member of the North Dakota State Council since 2021 and current state director for the North Dakota SHRM State Council.

Frank recalled feeling overwhelmed at the size and scope of the 2023 conference in Las Vegas. A year later and looking forward to SHRM24 in Chicago, Frank shared the following tips for those attending their first SHRM Annual Conference.

  1. Determine your goal and review the program schedule to figure out how you are going to achieve it.

    "If you only achieve one thing, what’s your key takeaway?” she asked. “Is it to expand your network? Is it to find resources to solve a work issue you have? Clearly define that upfront and look at the schedule and figure out what sessions will help you with that. Prioritize your schedule and make sure you have a backup plan, because [sessions] will fill up.”

  2. Reach out to your local chapter to see if any members will be attending, and exchange contact information.

    Knowing some people ahead of the event makes the experience more enjoyable, especially for those traveling solo, she noted. Additionally, local chapters or SHRM regional councils may have events planned at SHRM24; reach out to them for information around any special activities, even if you are not a member of a local chapter. 

  3. Using your schedule, map out locations so you know how to navigate the convention center.

    Before the conference kicks off, Frank walks around the venue to get a sense of where the sessions she wants to attend will be held, as well as other locations such as restrooms. That familiarity helps when the convention center hallways overflow with attendees transitioning between sessions. Be forewarned, she noted, that you may have to leave one session a bit early to get to another session that is not nearby. 

  4. Know where the closest shuttle bus stop is to take you from your hotel to the convention center and back, and note the pickup times.

  5. Make time to explore the Expo hall.
    “You can spend an entire day going through there,” Frank said. “If you want to find solutions to certain problems or talk to certain vendors or reconnect with [a vendor], make sure you budget that time in your schedule.” 

  6. Pack walking shoes and clothes you can layer, such as a jacket or sweater. While the temperature may feel sultry outside, that likely is not the case inside the convention center.

    “You do need to keep in mind the rooms can be different temperatures, and you want to have layers,” Frank said. “Dress for success because we are HR professionals,” she advised.

    Her go-to conference outfit is a suit, dressy coordinates, or SHRM state council logo apparel, all paired with sneakers. You’re going to be logging a lot of steps; this is not the time to break in new shoes, she advised.

    For attendees who feel they should wear dress shoes in case they meet a potential client or future employer, she advised carrying those shoes in a bag for a quick swap out with their sneakers. 

  7. Be prepared for very full days. 

    “During conference, you’re pretty busy from the break of day. What time you have in the evening is really networking with people you’ve met in your sessions or people you’ve met at the state council or region,” Frank said.

    If you want to play tourist in the host city, come “a couple days earlier or stay past the conference,” she recommended. 

  8. Get involved with a local SHRM chapter or state council. When you volunteer with local SHRM groups, “you grow your network a lot, and when you get to the conference, you know a lot more people,” Frank said.

    That involvement brings perks that enhance the conference experience, she added, such as special seating for Main Stage events and a lounge for volunteer leaders.

    SHRM also notes on its website that it is looking for volunteers to help out at the conference; roles include serving as a session host, assisting at the SHRMStore and helping with attendee services. 

  9. Download the conference app and familiarize yourself with it. 

  10. Use the LinkedIn personal QR code to easily connect with individuals. This feature helps individuals build their personal network by providing a way to quickly connect with LinkedIn members. Once you scan the LinkedIn member’s QR code, you are redirected to that person’s profile.


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