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Ask HR: How to Handle Toxic Workplace Behavior

SHRM President and Chief Executive Officer Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, answers HR questions each week.

Do you have an HR or work-related question you’d like him to answer? Submit it here.

In team meetings, a colleague consistently interrupts others and dismisses their ideas, but the manager never addresses this behavior. Other employees feel frustrated and demoralized, and they question how to handle the situation. What can you do when leadership is tolerant of demeaning workplace behavior like this? —Isaiah

Work comes with inherent stressors and challenges, but working in an environment where toxic behavior is tolerated is unnecessary and frustrating. When leadership seems indifferent to such issues, it can demoralize employees and create a hostile work environment. However, there are steps you can take to address the situation and improve the workplace culture.

  • Observe and document. Note instances of your colleague’s disruptive behavior, including specifics such as dates, times, and the impact on team dynamics. This documentation can be valuable evidence if you choose to escalate the issue.
  • Speak up. If you feel comfortable, address the behavior directly with your colleague. A private conversation can allow you to express your concerns and understand their perspective. Be specific about the impact of their actions and how they contribute to a hostile work environment.
  • Involve your manager. If direct communication with your colleague doesn’t yield results, it’s time to involve your manager. Schedule a private meeting to discuss your concerns. Share your observations and the negative impact the behavior is having on the team. If other team members feel similarly, encourage them to speak up as well.
  • Confer with human resources. If your manager fails to address the issue, consider contacting your HR department. They can provide guidance on how to proceed and may be able to intervene on your behalf. HR can also investigate the situation and take appropriate action, such as initiating a formal complaint or requiring additional training.
  • Prioritize your well-being. While addressing toxic behavior is important, it’s also essential to protect yourself. If the situation continues to deteriorate and your mental health is being affected, consider seeking support from a mental health professional.

Remember: You have the right to work in a respectful and productive environment. By taking proactive steps and advocating for yourself, you can create a healthier and more positive workplace culture.

I’ve worked full time directly for employers throughout my career. Now, I’m looking for another position but need help finding full-time work that fits my background. I’ve come across several contract and temp opportunities. Are they worthwhile? What are some of the pros and cons of taking short-term work opportunities? —Joelle

In a tightening job market, you’re encountering a challenge facing many job seekers: fewer full-time opportunities. People looking for work and finding too many options should narrow their criteria. In your case, it helps to broaden your criteria since you’re seeking more options. Contract and temporary work can be excellent alternatives to bridge the gap and gain valuable experience.

While these positions often offer higher hourly rates than full-time roles, they also come with potential drawbacks. The stability and predictability of full-time employment aren’t guaranteed with contract and temp work. You’ll need to be proactive in securing new assignments to maintain a consistent income stream.

Benefits are another factor to consider. If you work directly for clients, you may need to arrange for your own health insurance and other benefits. However, working with a staffing agency can provide access to group health insurance and other benefits after a certain period. Additionally, agencies often have a more comprehensive network of clients, increasing your chances of finding new assignments.

Contract and temp work can also offer several advantages. They often provide greater flexibility, allowing you to choose projects that align with your interests and skills. You can also use this time to network, build your professional brand, and acquire new skills. These experiences can enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing a full-time position in the future.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to pursue contract or temp work depends on your circumstances and career goals. If you’re open to flexibility and seeking new opportunities, these short-term roles can be valuable advances toward your desired full-time position.


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