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Health Care Minimum Wage Delayed Until July 1

Someone looking at money in their wallet

On May 31, Gov. Gavin Newsom, D, signed Senate Bill (SB) 828, which delays the effective date of the health care minimum wage statute by one month.

Last October, Governor Newsom signed SB 525, which enacted a multitiered statewide minimum wage schedule for health care workers. However, in light of a significant budget shortfall, the governor called for changes to the statute including a delay in the effective date.

Although the law was set to take effect June 1, the legislature only proposed a potential delay on May 20, which was quickly moved through the legislature to the governor.

Under SB 828, the initial effect date of June 1 is changed to July 1. And thereafter all increases would occur on July 1, instead of June 1.

The bill has an urgency clause and therefore takes effect immediately.

Allen F. Acosta is an attorney with Jackson Lewis, a member firm of L&E Global, in Los Angeles. Jonathan A. Siegel is an attorney with Jackson Lewis in Orange County, Calif. © 2024 Jackson Lewis. All rights reserved. Reposted with permission.


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