Interactive Tools
SHRM provides members exclusive access to a suite of interactive tools that can help quickly and efficiently perform several essential HR functions. Members can easily compare state labor laws, benchmark benefits and compensation data, and much more.
Available Tools

How to Administer COBRA, including Model COBRA Notices provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
SHRM's Job Descriptions Database with more than 1,000 downloadable job description templates.
Benchmarking HR Metrics and SHRM's HR Revenue and Expense Calculations Spreadsheet for calculating employee costs and more.
SHRM's Interview Question Database with hundreds of competency-based questions for any job interview.
Managing Employee Performance, including sample forms for self-appraisals, performance improvement plans, 360 feedback and more.
SHRM's Total Compensation and Benefits Statement Spreadsheet for calculating a complete compensation statement with automatically generated graphs.