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Skills-based Hiring

Maryland's recent elimination of a four-year college degree as a job requirement for thousands of the state's jobs is shining a spotlight on the value of alternative credentials and experience.

The aim of the state initiative—which the governor's office says is the first of its kind in the U.S.—is to ensure that "qualified, non-degree candidates are regularly being considered for these career-changing opportunities," Gov. Larry Hogan said in a news release.

Read the rest of the article:
In Search for Qualified Workers, Maryland Drops Requirement for 4-Year Degree
SHRM | Apr 2022

Skills-Based Hiring Guidance Issued for Federal Jobs
SHRM | May 2022

Skills-Based Hiring Is Gaining Ground – Mar 2024
Skills-Based Hiring Requires Commitment to Change – Mar 2023
SHRM Survey Finds a Rise of Alternative Credentials in Hiring - Apr 2022
LinkedIn Launches Skills-Based Approach to Hiring - Jun 2021
How to Adopt Skills-based Hiring Practices - Feb 2018

Every day, businesses miss out on talented people because their gifts, aptitude and skills aren't as easy to identify as a degree on a resume. HR leaders must step up to make all learning paths count in assessing whether a person can thrive in a job.

To widen pathways to work, employers need the tools and training to assess a prospective worker's full set of competencies, gifts and skills, including and beyond those conferred by traditional education degrees.
Skills-First at Work
SHRM Foundation

Additional Articles

How Alternative Credentials Can Help You Find Employees
SHRM | Jun 2022

Skill-Based Hiring Could Address Technical Staffing Shortages
RT Insights | Apr 2022

Considering Alternative Credits Can Uncover Untapped Talent
EHS Today | Apr 2022

The Emerging Degree Reset
The Burning Glass Institute | Feb 2022

Skills-Based Hiring Is on the Rise
Harvard Business Review (limited free articles) | Feb 2022

Skills-based hiring: why traditional hiring methods don't work anymore
HR Forecast | Sep 2021

The Rise Of Skills-Based Hiring And What It Means For Education
Forbes (limited free articles) | Jun 2021

More on Rethinking Degree Requirements

To get the talent it needs, Dell Technologies last year expanded its definition of university recruitment and developed a program focused on hiring from community colleges. Jennifer Newbill, director of emerging talent at Dell, says the company's goal is to redefine what it considers to be recent graduate talent to include associate degrees, apprenticeships, and certificate programs.
No college degree? No problem.
CNBC | Apr 2022

Not only does so-called "degree inflation" keep competent workers out of good jobs that they could do well, making life more precarious for those without a degree, but it's also a huge waste of money for companies. Competing for a limited pool of college-educated workers (only about 35 percent of Americans have a four-year degree) forces businesses to overpay for talent.
Employers Are Finally Rethinking Requiring Unnecessary College Degrees. Thank the Pandemic
Inc. (limited free articles without a subscription) | Feb 2022



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