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NLRA: Application to Non-Union Settings

Employers in nonunionized organizations—especially small businesses—often are surprised to learn they may be subject to U.S. labor relations laws. Employers that are unaware they may be covered by labor laws even though they have nonunionized employees are at great risk of violating those laws. It is critical for human resource professionals to have an understanding of the fundamentals of federal labor relations laws as they apply to the nonunionized workplace.
Complying with U.S. Labor Relations Laws in Non-Union Settings
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Law Firm Articles

Minimizing National Labor Relations Act Liability for Employers with Non-Unionized Workforces
Foley | Feb 2024

Why Non-Union Employers Need to Pay Attention to the NLRB
Levy Employment Law | Jan 2024

Non-Union Employers Face Triple Threat: Unfair Labor Practice Charges, Unionization, and Bargaining Orders
Davis Wright | Oct 2023

NLRB Targets Severance Agreements with Union and Non-Union Employees
Miller Nash | Feb 2023

How the NLRA Applies to All Workplaces, Not Just Unionized Ones: Implications for Workplace Conduct Policies, Social Media Policies, and Employee Discipline
Dorsey | Jul 2022


Can an employer in a nonunion facility prohibit employees from discussing their salaries?

Are Non-Union Employees Entitled to Representation at Disciplinary Meetings?
CBIA | Mar 2024

Do I have to be in a union to be protected by the NLRA?

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