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Colorado Job Application Fairness Act (7/1/24)

On June 2, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed into law the Job Application Fairness Act (JAFA), prohibiting employers from inquiring about a job applicant’s age during the hiring process.

Read the article:
Colorado Enacts Legislation Restricting Employers from Requesting Age-Related Information from Job Applicants
Littler via SHRM | Jun 2023

Effective date:  7/1/24
Text of the measure.

Additional Law Firm Articles

Starting on July 1, 2024, JAFA will bar Colorado employers from requesting or requiring that job applicants provide information related to "age, date of birth, or dates of attendance at or graduation from an educational institution" on initial employment applications.
Colorado's Job Application Fairness Act Restricts Employers' Ability to Request Age-Related Information From Applicants
Ogletree | Jun 2023

For positions that have age requirements imposed by federal, state or local law or which have bona fide occupational qualifications pertaining to public or occupational safety, employers are permitted to verify age compliance. However, the verification request cannot seek information on specific age, date of birth or dates of school attendance and graduation.
New Colorado Law Prohibits Seeking Age and Age-Adjacent Information From Applicants
Fox Rothschild | Jun 2023

The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment ("CDLE") enforces the Act, which does not provide a private right of action for individual employees. Employers that violate the Act may receive a warning that requires employers to comply with the Act within 15 business days. If the employer fails to comply and commits a second violation, the CDLE may impose a penalty of up to $1,000. A third violation raises the penalty up to $2,500.
Job Application Fairness Act Colorado Senate Bill 23-058
Davis Graham | Jun 2023



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