The Puerto Rico Supreme Court has issued an opinion interpreting, for the first time, several provisions of the Puerto Rico Labor Reform Act of 2017, specifically holding the McDonnell Douglas burden-shifting framework applies to cases brought under the Puerto Rico Anti-Discrimination Act, Act No. 100 (Act 100). Jimenez Soto v. Carolina Catering Corp. The Court held on Jan. 14, 2025, that employment discrimination claims under Puerto Rico law must be analyzed under analogous federal provisions and case law.
Setting Evidentiary Standards: What Employers Need to Know After Puerto Rico Supreme Court’s Employment Discrimination Ruling
Jackson Lewis | Jan 2025
According to Puerto Rico Secretary of Labor Gabriel Maldonado, neither the Constitution of Puerto Rico nor Puerto Rico Act 379 imposes any limitations on employers requiring overtime work of employees beyond paying a specific premium rate.
Secretary Maldonado’s Sept. 13, 2024, Opinion revokes the previous multifactor guidance issued by the Puerto Rico Department of Labor (PRDOL).
What Puerto Rico Labor Secretary’s New Overtime Interpretation Means for Employers
Jackson Lewis | Sep 2024
News Sources
SHRM Online: Puerto Rico
SHRM Global HR Monthly Newsletter: Subscribe
ABYZ News Links: Puerto Rico Newspapers and News Media
GlobeSmart: Puerto Rico Country Guide via SHRM Online
SHRM's partnership with Aperian Global provides SHRM members with access to GlobeSmart, an online learning platform that promotes global collaboration and inclusion. Through GlobeSmart, SHRM members can access information on working in globally diverse environments with people from different cultures. In addition, members can also access global employment law information through the Employment Law Alliance's Global Employer Handbook.
Access: Included with your SHRM membership. See this HRQA for instructions.
Brightmine™ HR & Compliance Centre: Puerto Rico HR and Employment Law Guide via SHRMStore
Brightmine authoritative and reliable country and territory HR and Employment Law Guides help HR professionals with responsibilities for staff outside of the United States navigate the challenges of being a global employer.
Access: Purchase Brightmine Puerto Rico HR and Employment Law Guide in SHRMStore.
Additional Employment Law Resources
Establishing A Business Entity In Puerto Rico
International Lawyers Network via JD Supra
Global Guide Quarterly (You can refine search results by country and more in the toolbar on the right.)
Law Firm Resources
JD Supra: Puerto Rico
Mondaq: Puerto Rico
Additional Guides
CIA World Factbook: Puerto Rico
World Travel Guide: Puerto Rico
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