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Illinois Prohibits Hairstyle Discrimination (1/1/23)

Governor Pritzker signed the CROWN Act into law, codifying protections for Illinoisans discriminated against due to hairstyles historically associated with specific racial groups. The act, which stands for Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair, categorizes traits such as hair texture or protective styling as race-based and therefore protected under bans against racial discrimination. The law takes effect January 1, 2023.

Governor Pritzker Signs CROWN Act Into Law Protecting Against Hair Discrimination
Governor's Press Release | Jun 2022

Effective date: 1/1/2023
Text of the measure.

Law Firm Articles

Illinois Enacts Law Banning Racial Discrimination Based on Hairstyle or Hair Texture
Ogletree | Jul 2022

Illinois CROWN Act Expands Human Rights Law to Ban Race-Related Hair Discrimination
Jackson Lewis | Jul 2022

Hair Ye! Hair Ye! Illinois Enacts the CROWN Act to Prohibit Hair Discrimination in the Workplace
Much Law | Jul 2022

Related Reading

Ending Natural-Hair Bias in the Workplace
SHRM Blog | Jul 2021

What Employers Should Know about the CROWN Act
Spilman | Jun 2022

Hair Discrimination – Does Your "Professional Dress and Hygiene" Policy Make the Cut?
Husch Blackwell | Jun 2022

All Hair is Good Hair: An Update on the CROWN Act and State CROWN Acts
Miller Nash | Jun 2022


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