1. Did your supervisor conduct a performance planning meeting with you at the beginning of the year?
2. How effective was the performance planning meeting in helping you understand the important competencies, key job responsibilities and goals for your job?
__We did not have a performance planning meeting.
__Somewhat effective—casual discussion; no clear resolution of goals, responsibilities, development plans
__Effective—clear resolution of goals, responsibilities, development plans
__Highly effective—thorough analysis and discussion of all elements of my job
3. How long did the performance planning meeting last?
__No performance planning discussion
__Less than 15 minutes
__About 30 minutes
__About an hour
__More than an hour
4. Did you establish a development plan for the past year?
__Yes, a formal plan with specific goals and a written plan of action
__Yes, an informal plan with no formal goals or written plan of action
5. How successful were you in completing your development plan?
__I did not establish a development plan.
__Unsuccessful—I did not accomplish the development goals I set.
__Somewhat successful—I accomplished some/most of the goals I set at the beginning.
__Fully successful—I accomplished exactly what I set out to do or more.
6. Did you get useful and regular feedback on your job performance and results from your supervisor during the course of the year?
__Little, or only when I asked for it
__Occasional, but I would have liked more
__Met my needs and expectations
__Exceeded my expectations
7. Did you receive a mid-year performance appraisal from your supervisor?
__We had an informal discussion.
__Yes, we had a formal mid-year review.
8. How useful was the information on the performance appraisal form in helping you understand your strengths and improvement needs and succeed in your job for the future?
Not at all useful 1 2 3 4 5 Very useful
9. How useful was the performance appraisal discussion with your supervisor in helping you understand your strengths and improvement needs and succeed in your job for the future?
Not at all useful 1 2 3 4 5 Very useful
10. How would you describe your supervisor’s participation in the performance management process?
__He/she did not engage in performance management activities.
__Followed only the mandatory requirements. Awkward.
__Little input.
__Good solid support and participation. Useful input.
__Enthusiastic and active supporter. He/she made it a “big deal.” High value input.
11. All things considered, how useful was the performance management process in helping you understand what was expected of you and succeed in meeting those expectations?
Not at all useful 1 2 3 4 5 Very useful
Source: ©Grote Consulting Corp., 1990-2012.
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