Global Workforce
Find all of SHRM's coverage of international HR management issues, as well as developments in global employment laws and best practices.
Latest Global Workforce News & Insights
Stay Ahead of U.S. Immigration Regulations

Learn to navigate complex U.S. employment immigration laws, ensuring your organization hires and retains top global talent.

Country Guides
GlobeSmart Guides provide in-depth information on 100+ cultures to help individuals develop global awareness and cultural competence. With expert advice on many relevant topics, your employees are equipped to collaborate more inclusively with people worldwide.
Member Resources
This sample presentation is intended for delivery to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the concepts and best practices regarding unconscious bias in the workplace.
This is a sample presentation intended for supervisors and other employees with management responsibilities.
This sample presentation is intended for delivery to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the law and best practices regarding religious issues in the workplace.
Follow these steps to create an inclusion, equity and diversity (IE&D) plan.