- Evaluate and update employee benefits to account for changes in dependent care needs, flexible spending accounts, and paid leave usage.
Communicate changes to benefits and provide guidance on re-enrollment or modifications.
Develop or refine an agency-wide telecommuting policy that clearly defines eligibility, work-from-home schedules, and performance expectations.
EO Impact Zone, A Guide for HR Leaders
Return to In-Person Work
The Executive Order
The EO directs the Executive branch and agency heads to end remote work arrangements and require employees to return to in-person, full-time work at their duty stations, with exemptions allowed at their discretion.
Workplace Impact
Communities and businesses with a large presence of federal workers will be commuting back to the worksite. This may result in federal workers deciding to leave the federal workforce. Additionally, the federal government is the nation’s largest employer and, as such, may serve as a model for the private sector to continue the RTO momentum.
Action Items for Employers Considering RTO for their Offices
Consider implementing a phased approach to ease the transition, such as gradually increasing in-office days before requiring a full five-day workweek.
Monitor and adjust the timeline based on employee feedback and operational needs.
Develop training programs to reacquaint employees with the workplace, particularly for those new to the site or those who have been remote for extended periods.
- Create tailored communication strategies for different audiences, such as managers and individual employees, to ensure clarity and alignment.
Provide managers with tools and guidance to support and guide their teams through the RTO process.
Encourage open feedback channels to address questions and concerns during the transition.