Adding Fun to Fridays
Here is a compilation of fifteen fun Friday activities to help employees feel refreshed and energized and build stronger relationships at work.
1. The Bridge Challenge
Divide people into teams and provide them with craft materials such as popsicle sticks, newspapers, tape, and glue. Each team builds a small bridge that can connect two books placed a certain distance apart. The team with the bridge that can hold the most weight wins.
2. Guess the Picture
Ask employees to bring a baby picture of themselves. Put all the pictures in a common room and give people time to look at them. Then, take a vote to see if people can correctly match the pictures to the respective employees.
3. The Timeless ‘Scavenger Hunt’
Divide your teams into equal groups. Choose a designated office space for your play area. Hand out each team a set of cues. For example, 'I am round and heavy and transparent all over' (answer: paperweight). The team that solves all the clues first wins.
4. The Egg Drop
Provide teams with craft materials such as cotton balls, tape, newspaper, and cardboard to make an egg holder that will prevent an egg from cracking when dropped from a predetermined height. The team whose egg remains intact and has the lightest egg holder wins.
5. Drawing in the Dark
Form teams of two. Each group of partners sits back to back and draws what their partner tells them to draw. For example, one person might be shown a house or an animal and told to draw it without actually saying what it is.
6. Birthday Line-Up
Ask team members to arrange themselves according to their birthday month and day but without speaking to one another. You can permit other forms of communication, such as sign language, gestures, or nudges. Add some pressure and excitement to the exercise by setting a time limit.
7. Swift Swap
Split employees into two groups. Team A has 15-30 seconds to memorize as many things as possible about the people in front of them. Then Team A turns around while Team B changes as many things about their appearance as they can. The team that identifies the maximum changes wins.
8. Common Thread
Each team must find things that everyone in their group has in common. This could be a favorite movie or color, cuisine that no one likes, or a common sport. The more things they find and the quicker, the better.
9. Human Snakes
Split employees into teams of equal size. Each team stands in a line, with their hands placed on the person’s shoulders in front of them. Blindfold everyone except the last person. Then, each group walks through a hurdle race.
10. Human Knot
Divide the employees into two teams. Each team member joins another’s hands to form a knot. Members must untangle the knot without letting go of each other's hands.
Fun in the Outdoors
11. Organize a tug-of-war tournament for the whole office. This can be between departments or teams.
12. Community gardening or tree plantation is a great way to help the environment and build team spirit. It's not a game, but it helps team building.
Activities for a Hybrid Squad
13. Make a list of things people can find at home in a short time. Participants must find or complete tasks and share photos within a set time. The winner is the person who completes the most tasks.
14. When someone says "Chair up!", everyone must stand up and be cheerful. Do yoga, clap, laugh, or dance.
15. Send some funny photos to the team and ask them to caption them before the meeting. Present these photos with captions during the team call. You can laugh and vote for the best captions.
Work Doesn’t Always Have to Be Serious
All work and no play can be quite a chore. Team-building activities and Fun Friday events can be like a breath of fresh air, breaking the monotony. These activities also serve as employee engagement strategies, helping employees unwind and take a break from their routine.
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