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Agile Hiring Hacks: Strategies for Staying Ahead of the Curve

Shifts in employee expectations, technological advancements, and an evolving job market have triggered increased volatility in the job market. Talent acquisition and retention are becoming pressing concerns for organizations, and this does not bode well for companies trying to break into the talent market.

Let’s face it: human resources (HR) leaders are unsure who to hire today, let alone tomorrow. Organizations that fail to adapt to the above challenges will find it harder to acquire the talent their business needs to grow. Fortunately, an agile hiring approach can address these challenges.

Using an agile framework to streamline recruitment and attract top talent can revolutionize the process and help organizations find the right candidates faster. Let's understand how.

Understanding Agile Hiring

Agile hiring brings the agile methodology that is commonly associated with software development to your recruitment efforts. The approach breaks larger recruitment-related tasks into manageable, bitesize pieces that are completed within a stipulated timeline. The strategy seeks to acquire the best possible talent by placing a high value on communication, feedback, flexibility, and collaboration.

A multinational energy giant understood the value agile HR practices can bring to an organization and adopted the mindset to increase flexibility and responsiveness in its recruitment process. The company uses agile methodology to break down the recruitment process into smaller sprints, prioritize tasks, and regularly review progress to ensure an efficient hiring process.

In trying times, an agile recruitment strategy emerges as a viable solution to stabilize recruitment volume fluctuations by ensuring that business functions flow smoothly with minimal disruptions and increased cost optimization. Use the practical strategy provided below to effectively integrate the agile approach into your recruitment strategy.

Unlocking Scalability and Success with an Agile Hiring Strategy 

Here’s how you can use an agile hiring strategy to set the right tone for your recruitment process:

1. Set clear expectations.

‍This step requires project leaders (e.g., the hiring manager, recruitment manager, or HR leader) to identify talent needs within the organization and define the job requirements for creating a talent pipeline. Hiring managers or recruiters should decide on several roles to be filled, considering the organization’s present and future requirements. Managers should set clear expectations around what hiring success looks like.

2. Build a team.

Assign a project owner and leader. The project owner and leader will be responsible for executing the project and determining its success. A project manager selects the team that will carry out the project. The team usually includes a recruiter, a recruitment assistant, and related support staff.

Once your team is in place and your recruitment goals are established, a formal project kick-off meeting should be held to outline the goals, expectations, task assignments, and workflows. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and provide a reference point for reviewing progress.

3. Source active and passive candidates.

This phase forms the first sprint of your series of sprints. This sprint can be further divided into the following individual tasks:

  • Writing an effective job description
  • Crafting recruitment ads for job posting
  • Reaching out to passive candidates through different channels
  • Collecting referrals and inbound contacts

Hold review meetings at the end of each task to assess your progress. For example, after you've written and posted job adverts, you might hold a review meeting to assess the number of applications received and whether they reflect your ideal candidates. If they don't, you must refine your outreach strategy.

An Irish recruitment company follows a similar approach. It has streamlined its recruitment process, eliminating wasteful activities, refining its outreach strategy, and focusing on delivering value to candidates.

Moreover, agile recruiting should leverage the talent pipeline for “just in time” recruitment whenever needed. This approach provides the hiring team with pre-screened candidates who are qualified and ready to fill the position. Based in Michigan, USA, a global staffing and recruitment company operates worldwide with a similar mindset. The firm creates talent pools for clients, consisting of pre-screened candidates ready to be hired. This approach enables them to fill positions quickly and provide clients with a faster hiring process.

4. Screen candidates and schedule calls.

This stage involves reviewing and shortlisting candidates to determine how well the outcome aligns with the recruitment goal. It also involves screening and scheduling preliminary interviews with candidates to assess the outreach strategy's performance. If the outcome is not satisfactory, organizations can rethink their recruitment strategy and pivot to new advertising or sourcing platforms.

5. Finalize candidates and the process.

This phase assesses how many open positions could be closed on time. As a final step, if you were able to make an offer to a candidate, then the selection part of the project is considered finished. If not, it’s probably the right time to return to step three and make your strategy more detailed.

6. Review your hiring outcome.

To round off agile recruiting, you must monitor how well a selected person performs and aligns with the organizational goals and culture. Review key performance indicators (for example, time to hire, cost per hire, revenue per employee, etc.) to decide if the hiring process was as efficient as projected. Here, the aim is to analyze and reflect on the hiring process and try to maintain consistency in output.

An agile recruiting system applies a sprint framework to all of the activities described above. The strategy would work better if each of the micro-projects included a kick-off, execution, and after-discussion via daily stand-ups and post-mortems. Thanks to this commitment to feedback and continuous improvement, agile recruiting offers several advantages for hiring squads.

Set the Right Tone for a Successful Hiring

The convergence of agile hiring and business strategies is becoming a pivotal factor for companies seeking ongoing growth. By moving beyond foundational recruitment methodologies and adopting an agile hiring approach, organizations can effectively address their present workforce needs while laying a solid foundation for adapting and evolving their businesses for future growth. In return, employees and managers become more empowered to work faster and smarter, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and competitiveness.


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