Diversity and Inclusion Audit Checklist
Company: ___________________________ Date: _____________________________
Checklist Score: ______________________ Filled by: __________________________
Audited by: ________________________
Selection, Hiring, and Recruitment
RHiring criteria for the entire interview process is defined objectively
RTechnical/Digital examinations are evaluated blindly
RDiverse interview teams with objective standards are assigned to the process
RBias in job descriptions and postings is removed
RLead resource networks used are filled with diverse candidates
RResume screenings are done blind, sans any name, gender, and religion in view
RLead resource networks used are filled with diverse candidates
RAll Interviewees are asked the same questions sans any bias
R All applicants always feel welcome to the interview process
Performance Reviews and Promotion
R All roles are assessed equally across employees at all levels
R Managers are given anti-bias training for employee evaluation
R Managers maintain monthly performance reports to ensure proper records of employee performance
R Commitment to promoting transparency with employees
R Use of a uniform evaluation cycle to assess the performance
R Self-evaluation is in place to review work performance
R All employees are able to achieve a promotion and career progression path is communicated to them
R Employees feel heard and understood as they respond to their evaluation
Harassment At Workplace
R Sexual harassment policy with clear guidelines is signed off by employees upon joining
R A whistleblower policy has been enacted to protect against retaliation
R A transparent reporting process is in place to improve accountability
R The staff has been trained on what constitutes harassment
R Harassment and discrimination reports are published for staff
R Leaders are held accountable for resolving incidents and providing a safe environment
R Standards are being set about using requested pronouns and misgendering
R A system where differently abled individuals are free from harassment
HR Operations
R Formal and informal mentorship is provided regardless of demography, sexual orientation, or identity
R Diverse contractors hired are provided paths to full employment when appropriate
R Employees feel heard and understood
R Training is provided to eliminate unconscious bias and improve equitable decisioning
R Policies in place to support new parents and menstruating people
R Facilities are free from gender and ability privilege, with accessible and safe spaces for all
R Systems in place to elevate the voices of disenfranchised individuals
R Culture of continuous learning and growth for all
R The organization supports philanthropy that supports diverse interests
R Equal opportunities exist to share and learn from each other
R Anonymous feedback potential is provided for employees uncomfortable with reporting incidents directly
R Equal and transparent pay structures in place, such as pay bands, etc.
R DEI initiatives, information, and actions are transparent to all stakeholders
R Data collection systems to monitor DEI progress
R Meetings are not dominated by a few voices
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