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Developing Key HR Competencies in the Government of Bhutan



Government of Bhutan

  • A need was felt for orienting the newly recruited HR Officers Cadre on core HR Functional and Behavioural Skills. 
  • SHRM intervention was sought to meet this need 
SHRM Approach 
  • Designed a 10 day immersive learning experience for the group of 27 HR Officers 
  • The Learning Intervention spanned topics like ‘Role of HR’, ‘Appreciating Business Needs’, ‘HR Value Add’, ‘HR Competencies’, ‘Talent Acquisition’, ‘PMS’, ‘T&D’, ‘Employee Engagement’ and ‘HR Analytics’ 
  • Pre and post knowledge assessments were built into the program construct and participants meeting benchmark criteria were certified at the end of the program
Distinctive Impact 
  • Focused skill building for first time professional working in the HR Cadre 
  • Participants were keen on applying the learning back at the workplace 
  • SHRM has been in conversation with the Department for a repeat of a similar learning experience delivery


​An organization run by AI is not a futuristic concept. Such technology is already a part of many workplaces and will continue to shape the labor market and HR. Here's how employers and employees can successfully manage generative AI and other AI-powered systems.
