coworkers meeting at a table in a conference room

SHRM Certification Commission

The SHRM Certification Commission serves as a technical advisory committee for the certifying activities of SHRM. The Commission is responsible for ensuring the quality and impartiality of the SHRM certification program, which is designed to meet the highest standards in the industry.

The Commission oversees all technical aspects of the SHRM certification program, including the overall development of the exam, eligibility requirements and issuance of recertification. Its responsibilities include review and approval of such aspects as certificant eligibility, exam specifications and scoring, recertification criteria, maintaining the integrity of the certification process, and consideration of appeals and complaints.

The Commission comprises volunteers who have extensive HR, testing, and business experience from industries and organizations around the world.

Commission members do not receive financial compensation for their service on the Commission. Commission members are reimbursed for their fair and reasonable expenses that are directly related to Commission business.

Commission Chair

Jeff Lindeman

Jeff Lindeman, SHRM-SCP

Vice-President, Chief People, Culture, and Capability Officer
WD-40 Company Ltd.

At WD-40 Company, Jeff Lindeman SHRM-SCP is responsible for global oversight of the human resources, supply chain, and quality functions within a purpose-driven, values-guided, global organization.  The company benefits from 93% employee engagement.  Leadership is proud to deliver a workplace where 92% of employees experience a sense of belonging.  Throughout WD-40 Company, leaders have built and maintained a culture where everyone belongs and is able to come to work and do something meaningful.

Jeff has been with WD-40 Company since 2016 and has held various management positions, including at various times, head of human resources, information technology, supply chain, and finance while working in Europe within the Company’s EIMEA segment. Prior to joining WD-40 Company, Jeff worked as the senior director of talent and engagement for San Diego International Airport from 2006 to 2016 and previously in various business leadership roles for a variety of businesses.

Jeff received his Master of Science in Executive Leadership from the University of San Diego and his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Walden University. He maintains a SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) credential and serves on the SHRM Certification Commission.

Things that don’t typically show up on a resume:

Jeff loves to travel.  Whether in Shanghai, Santiago, San Diego, Selçuk, or Stuttgart, he has only ever met one kind of people:  the humankind.  His travels have helped him to understand that wherever one is in the world, we all want a better life for our kids than we, ourselves, have led.  A lifelong learner, Jeff has completed post-graduate studies in leadership and regularly seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge and understanding of humans.

Chair Emeritus

Wayne Cascio

Wayne Cascio, Ph.D.

Professor and Robert H. Reynolds Chair in Global Leadership
University of Colorado-Denver School of Business

Wayne F. Cascio, Ph.D., is a distinguished university professor and the Robert H. Reynolds chair in global leadership at the University of Colorado-Denver.

He has served in leadership positions in industry organizations, including as president of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, chair of the SHRM Foundation Board of Directors, chair of the HR Division of the Academy of Management and as a member of the Academy of Management’s Board of Governors.

Dr. Cascio is a senior editor of the Journal of World Business. He has authored or edited 27 books on human resource management. He is a two-time winner of the best-paper award from the Academy of Management Executive for his research on downsizing and responsible restructuring.

In 1999, he received the Distinguished Career Award from the HR Division of the Academy of Management. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva in 2004, and in 2008, he was named by the Journal of Management as one of the most influential scholars in management in the past 25 years.


The Michael R. Losey Human Resource Research Award was presented to him by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2010, and, in 2013, he received the Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.


From 2011-2013, he served as chair of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group that is developing international standards for the human resources profession. Dr. Cascio has consulted with organizations on six continents and is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources, the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association and the Australian HR Institute.


Dr. Cascio earned his bachelor of art’s degree from Holy Cross College, a master’s of arts degree from Emory University and a doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Rochester.

Commission Members

Aisha K. Al-Suwaidi

Aisha K. Al-Suwaidi

CEO, HR Policies Sector
Federal Authority for Government HR

Aisha K. Al-Suwaidi is the CEO, HR Policies Sector for the Federal Authority for Government HR in the UAE. Aisha has 20 years of excelling experience in Public Policies, HR, and Career Development. She has been actively involved in various HR forums, committees, and government initiatives throughout her career, in addition to being associated with numerous international agencies. Over the course of her career, she has developed and implemented various policies and procedures for the Federal Government and successfully led and handled many strategic programs with different national and international stakeholders. She is a member of many highly affiliated national and international organizations such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD – UK) and is the Editor and chief for the HR Echo magazine, the first bilingual published magazine in the UAE.

Aisha has served as the Head of Coordination and Follow up Division for the Department of Culture and Information Government of Sharjah, Human Resource Advisor with the British Petroleum Oil Company, Acting Director for TANIMIA – Center for Career Guidance and Planning, Executive Director for the Dubai Women Establishment, and the Executive Director of Human Resources (HR policies sector) for the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.

Abdulrahman Alsheail

Abdulrahman Alsheail

Director-General of Human Resources
Institute of Public Administration

Abdulrahman Alsheail is a resolute human resources leader with over ten years of proven results in solving specific and complex challenges by leveraging operational and leadership strengths.


Abdulrahman has a proven track record as a pivotal HR executive who is renowned for translating his profound business knowledge into human capital plans that bolster employee engagement, expand leader capabilities, and maximize organizational effectiveness. He is an industry thought leader, a pioneer, and a leader in HR transformation, as well as an expert in the Saudi work environment.


Abdulrahman started his HR career at the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) in Saudi Arabia in 2010 as Recruitment Officer at the institute’s English Language Center.


Currently serving as The Director-General of Human Resources, he oversees IPA’s HR strategies. He is also a faculty member who delivers professional training programs and conducts studies and consulting projects in HR.

Abdulrahman's accomplishments include establishing the Human Resources Development Department at the IPA, facilitating the transition from personnel management to HR management. He also provided training for new HR employees to optimize performance and efficiency.

His background in English language and translation has enabled him to work with global HR associations to translate several HR books into Arabic; among them is the “Global Remuneration Professional” Certification by World at Work.

Abdulrahman’s significant contributions to the HR field have won him multiple awards, such as GOV HR Leader of the Year (2021), Best L&D Program by CIPD (2020), and more. He has also served as a keynote speaker and a panelist for major international and national human resources conferences.

Abdulrahman holds a Master’s in Teaching International Languages from California State University, Chico, and Bachelor’s in English Language and Translation from Qassim University in Saudi Arabia. He is also a certified ROI Professional and has several other industry certifications.

Alfredo Escudero

Alfredo Escudero, SHRM-SCP

Human Resources Services Manager
Capital Consult

Alfredo Escudero is a Peruvian Human Resources Professional with local and international experience at Peruvian and Fortune 500 companies in Peru, USA and Latin America. He holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Lima, an MBA from Universidad del Pacifico and a Master´s Degree in HR Management from Florida International University (FIU, USA). His professional background also includes a Coaching Diploma from Universidad de Piura. He is also a SHRM-SCP credential holder.

Alfredo started his career as Training and Development Assistant for Embotelladora Latinoamericana - Coca Cola, afterwards he occupied HR generalist positions for Shell and Pfizer in Peru and then he moved to the USA for studying his Master´s Degree in HR Management at Florida International University in Miami. After finishing his graduate studies in South Florida, he worked for Martinair (multinational cargo airline, Air France subsidiary) in the Americas Headquarters in Doral as HR Manager for Latin America region, where he oversaw HR operations in several countries. Alfredo came back to Peru in 2010, and worked as HR Manager for El Pedregal, ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) and Clinicas Maison de Santé. He currently works as a Human Resources Services Manager at Capital Consult.

Gerlinde Herrmann, SHRM-SCP

Gerlinde Herrmann, SHRM-SCP

Founder and President
The Herrmann Group

Gerlinde Herrmann is the founder and president of The Herrmann Group, a consulting firm that provides Executive Search, HR and Governance Consulting, and Leadership & Executive Coaching to support Human Resources strategies and talent management initiatives. Prior to founding the Hermann Group, she worked with leading organizations such as Nortel and Federal Express.

Gerlinde’s leadership in governance experience includes serving on the SHRM, SHRM Foundation and SHRM-HRCI board of directors; and is a member of the CPA Ontario Professional Conduct Committee, in addition to serving as a past vice-chair of the Complaints Committee for the CMA. She also served three years as president and chair of the board of directors of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) and as past chair, held the portfolio of HRPA’s Chair of Strategic and Global Alliances for two years.

Gerlinde’s recent involvement has been in industry-related and outreach initiatives, such as: Global Experts and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Panels of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); Youth Employment Service (YES) Advisory Board, Career Edge Diversity Board; Canadian Government Private Sector Working group on Pandemic Influenza Planning; Director on the Canadian Council of Human Resources Association; Director of NAHRMA (North American Human Resources Management Association); Canadian representative on the Board of Frontplaces, France (a global diversity think tank); advisor for George Brown’s HR program; Advisor on the Provincial Partnership (Passport to Prosperity); and Founder and Director of the Toronto Chapter of HRPA.

Gerlinde holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics from Concordia University.

Lorin Mueller, Ph.D.

Lorin Mueller, Ph.D.

Managing Director of Assessment
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

Lorin Mueller, PhD, is the Managing Director of Assessment at the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), a nonprofit organization that coordinates regulatory activities for 53 jurisdictional boards in the US overseeing the practice of physical therapy. In his role he oversees the development and validation of the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) program, which administers assessments to over 25,000 licensure candidates each year in two of the fastest growing professions in the US. Under his leadership the NPTE program has instituted a research program that has provided an evidence basis for the use of targeted candidate communications, remediation resources, attempt limits, aggregate reports for schools, and occupational re-entry standards, and his team has improved the design and use of continuing competence and jurisprudence assessments associated with the NPTE.  

Lorin is recognized as an expert in setting performance standards for occupational assessments and his work is cited in the most recent edition of SIOP's Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures. Lorin has authored several notable articles and book chapters on standard-setting, alternate assessments, and test security.  

Prior to Lorin's 11 years at FSBPT, he worked for over 10 years at the American Institutes for Research (AIR), ultimately under the title of Principal Research Scientist, contributing his measurement expertise to such efforts as the development of high stakes tests for the selection of advanced mathematicians, medical personnel, elementary school teachers, air-traffic controllers, and human-resource professionals, as well as contributing to the development and evaluation of large scale K-12 assessments and alternate assessments for students with disabilities.

In addition to his formal role at FSBPT, Lorin has served on several test development advisory boards, is a past President of the Personnel Testing Council-Metro Washington (PTCMW) and a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Lorin periodically serves as a faculty-adjunct teaching measurement and HR law. Lorin received his PhD in industrial and organizational psychology in 2000 from the University of Houston.

Susan Podlogar

Susan Podlogar

Executive VP & Chief Human Resources Officer
MetLife, Inc.

Susan Podlogar is MetLife’s Chief Human Resources Officer. She is an Executive Vice President and a member of the company’s Executive Group. She joined MetLife in July 2017 and oversees its global Human Resources strategies and practices with the goal of attracting, developing and retaining a workforce that creates value for MetLife customers and shareholders every day.

Before joining MetLife, Podlogar was Global Vice President of Human Resources for Johnson & Johnson and a member of the Human Resources Executive Committee. During her 16 years with Johnson & Johnson, she held a series of sector and corporate leadership roles in HR in which she introduced Human Resources strategies and practices that helped strengthen the company’s business model, accelerate the pace of innovation and evolve its talent capabilities and culture.

Susan has 20 years of diversified human resources experience. Her background includes compensation and performance consulting to businesses in various industries, as well as a depth of internal human resources experience. Previously, she worked in human resources at Bayer Pharmaceuticals and Bristol Myers Squibb and as a consultant with William M. Mercer, a global human resources consulting firm.

Susan holds an MBA with a concentration in management and finance from the University of South Florida. She also holds bachelor’s degrees in labor and industrial relations and business management from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

Sheldon Zedeck

Sheldon Zedeck, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Psychology
University of California-Berkeley

Sheldon Zedeck, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of psychology and professor of the graduate school in the Department of Psychology at the University of California-Berkeley.

He has been at Berkeley since 1969, when he completed his Ph.D. in industrial and organizational Psychology at Bowling Green State University. He retired in December 2010 after serving almost four years as vice provost for academic affairs and faculty welfare. He previously served as chair of the Department of Psychology and was the director of the campus' Institute of Industrial Relations.

Dr. Zedeck is co-author of four books and has written numerous journal articles. He has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology, Contemporary Psychology and Industrial Relations. He has served as editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology as well as editor of Human Performance, a journal that he co-founded. He also has been associate editor of Applied Psychology: An International Review.

Currently, he is associate editor of the American Psychologist, on the editorial advisory board of Management and Organization Review and on the senior advisory board for the Journal of Business and Psychology.

Dr. Zedeck has been active in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, including serving as its president. He currently is a member of American Psychological Association’s Board of Scientific Affairs.

For more than 40 years, Dr. Zedeck has consulted in the private and public sector organizations. He has developed selection and promotion systems for private and public organizations, with a focus on systems that are fair and provide for a diverse workforce.