Weather & Natural Disasters
Dangerous hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, blizzards and severe storms can appear at a moment's notice, and employers must be prepared for myriad workplace issues that crop up before and after they strike. HR professionals can use these resources to help prepare for, and respond to, weather disasters.
Member Resources
Understand the strategic role of HR in emergency and disaster planning and response and implement effective policies and procedures to prepare for emergencies.
This checklist includes considerations for HR in planning for emergencies in the workplace.
Procedures regarding building evacuations in the event of an emergency.
Latest News
Here's what you need to know to plan for a winter storm and protect your workers from extreme cold.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have helped employers prepare for--but also be more susceptible to--hurricanes and the destruction they can create. Employees are more used to working independently from home, but they may also be far from the employer's headquar
Many traditional workplaces have disaster preparedness plans to cope with emergencies like floods, fires, blizzards or hurricanes. But what about remote employees? Both the employer and employee bear some responsibility in protecting the employer's assets
Extreme flooding in South Florida, tornado outbreaks in the South and Midwest, and storms in California in recent weeks have forced residents from their homes and shut down or damaged businesses from coast to coast. The relocations follow on the heels of