Executive reads in his office.

SHRM Books

SHRM Books develops and publishes resources on the topics that matter most to HR professionals, people managers, and students. The strength of our program lies in the expertise and thought leadership of our authors to educate, empower, elevate, and inspire readers around the world.

Each year SHRM BOOKS publishes 8-10 new titles covering contemporary and core Human Resource Management issues such as Talent Management, Employment Law, and Technology, as well as general workplace topics such as Career Development, Organizational Culture, and Conflict Resolution. 

With more than 100 books available in print, digital, and audio formats, SHRM BOOKS are available through most online book retailers, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as well as our own online SHRMStore.

Orders & Translations

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100–499 copies: 40% discount

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SHRM Books makes available for translation a robust selection of new and recent titles plus a curated list of perennial bestsellers. Please contact books@shrm.org for information about translation rights and sales.

About SHRM Books

Book Proposals

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Program FAQs

The primary decision criteria include:

  • How well the content reflects and advances the SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge™ (SHRM BASK™)
  • Suitability for SHRM's audience
  • Quality, timeliness, and originality of topic and treatment
  • The content addresses a demonstrable market need

Yes, all new titles are published in print and three e-book formats: Mobi (Kindle), ePUB, and PDF.

Yes, we reach academic and international markets for most of our books through our trade distributor.

Thank you for your interest. At this time, the SHRMStore team selects titles sourced from: 

  • The SHRM Books title list
  • Authors selected to speak at recent or upcoming SHRM events
  • Established publishers with recent books of particular interest to SHRMStore readers

Books for (Re)Certification

Prepare for the SHRM Certification Exam

Are you preparing to take the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification exam? The SHRM BASK and the SHRM Learning System are two resources for knowledge-building ahead of the exam.

For ideas on how to manage your time during the exam, develop a study plan, understand your learning style, etc., consider these SHRM-published books:

Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam: A Guide To Success On The SHRM-CP And SHRM-SCP Exams, Third Edition

Preparing for the SHRM-CP Exam: Workbook and Practice Questions from SHRM, Second Edition

Preparing for the SHRM-SCP Exam: Workbook and Practice Questions from SHRM, Second Edition


Read for Recertification Credit

SHRM’s Read-for-Recertification Credit program is a great way to broaden knowledge while earning SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs) along the way.