Risk Management
By conducting regular HR audits, HR professionals can keep their organizations out of legal trouble and improve policies and procedures.
Feeling happy may seem like a tall order, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and all of its accompanying stresses. But happiness is a skill that can be learned, experts say, when we stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on our inner happiness.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many employees to work remotely, and some may have relocated for a variety of reasons, creating challenges for employers to keep up-to-date records of employee contact information.
The trend to legalize cannabis consumption continued on Election Day as voters in five states approved new laws allowing medical and recreational marijuana use.
President-elect Joe Biden supports marijuana decriminalization, but efforts to legalize cannabis consumption are likely to continue at the state level. In 2021, employers will need to review their policies and ensure they comply with evolving laws.