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Hiring Military Veterans

 Veteran's Day, observed on Nov. 11, is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their willingness to serve and sacrifice to protect the United States and its freedoms. But retired Rear Admiral Dan Kloeppel, founder and chief executive officer of veteran jobs boards and, says one of the best ways to honor former servicepeople is to hire them.

Read the article:
CEO of VetJobs.Org Explains Why Companies Should Hire Veterans
SHRM | Nov 2022

Attracting Veterans to Your Workplace
Why HR Can Be a Good Fit for Veterans
Employing Military Veterans

Employing Veterans: Insights for Hiring Veterans and Supporting Veterans in the Workforce
Ogletree | Nov 2022

Meet America’s Best Employers For Veterans 2022
Forbes | Nov 2022

                          Please complete the brief survey near the bottom of this page.

Why Hire Veterans

The Business Case for Hiring Military Veterans
SHRM Foundation

Transitioning From the Military to Business: What Winning Vets Bring to the Private Sector
ADP | Oct 2021

7 Fast Facts About Veteran Employees for National Hire a Veteran Day | Jul 2021

Why America's Best Companies Want to Hire Military Veterans (Business Case Analysis)
Hire Veterans | Dec 2020

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is authorized until December 31, 2025.
Learn more at DOL  and IRS.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Extended Through 2025
SHRM | Feb 2021


Veterans at Work (Multiple resources.)
Veterans at Work Certificate Program (It's free and you receive SHRM recertification credit!)
SHRM Foundation

Civilian-to-Military Occupation Translator

Veterans Employment Toolkit
US Department of Veterans Affairs

SHRM HireVets: Single Job Posting choose this SHRM HireVets 30-day job posting option and get in front of veteran candidates actively searching for their next role.


​An organization run by AI is not a futuristic concept. Such technology is already a part of many workplaces and will continue to shape the labor market and HR. Here's how employers and employees can successfully manage generative AI and other AI-powered systems.
