The 2025 Campaign: Nurture Potential, Thrive Together
HR professionals have a direct impact on talent and workplaces, shaping lives and futures. This campaign is intended to energize each SHRM Member’s sense of personal and professional purpose.
- Campaign graphics
- Campaign social media
How to Launch Your 2025 Campaign, Step-by-Step
1. Build your team: Fundraising is more fun and effective when several people do it together.
- Find at least one person to help you form your fundraising committee.
- Put out a general call for volunteers or ask a few members to join in. Look for a mix of skills: some people like to plan events or solicit auction prizes, while others are great at selling tickets or keeping everything organized.
- Set up a series of meetings for brainstorming and planning your activities.
2. Announce the campaign!
Post on social media
Instantly share these pre-made posts on your Chapter/Council Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn.
Dear [first name],
When we nurture the potential in HR, talent, and workplaces, we can address complex societal challenges—and thrive together.
[Your Chapter/Council name] proudly supports SHRM Foundation, the nonprofit arm of SMRM. SHRM Foundation mobilizes HR as a force for social good. I urge you to get involved. You can help build a more inclusive talent pipeline, address the crisis of mental health and wellness, and cultivate current and future HR careers full of opportunity and purpose.
- Energize your sense of purpose at Take advantage of SHRM Foundation’s: research; toolkits and field guides; certificates in hiring from untapped pools of talent or becoming a mental health ally; scholarships, grants and awards; mentorship; and much more.
- Contribute by December 31 at! Your donation is vital to making all these programs and scholarships possible. Many of you already give generously, and I thank you for that.
My challenge to you: Let’s get to 100% participation in giving this year! Let’s be one of the SHRM Chapters and Councils where every member makes a gift, no matter the amount. Are you in?
Each of us has the power and opportunity to lead change. Thank you for supporting SHRM Foundation. Together we are building a world of work that works for all.
[Your Name]
{Your Chapter/Council] Volunteer Foundation Director
P.S. A gift of $50+ makes you a member of SHRM Foundation’s Team Empower, with a special pin and recognition. A gift of $1000+ welcomes you into the SHRM Foundation Leadership Circle. EVERY gift counts toward our 100% participation goal! Please donate now.
Add it to your websites
Campaign graphics library
Short text to accompany the graphic:
Nurture Potential. Thrive Together.
[Your Chapter/Council name] proudly supports SHRM Foundation, the nonprofit arm of SHRM, which mobilizes HR as a force for social good. We believe each of us in HR has the power and opportunity to lead change in the workplace. Together we’re building a more inclusive talent pipeline, addressing mental health and wellness, and strengthening the HR field. Get involved to nurture the potential in HR, talent, and workplaces. Donate to make possible the research, toolkits, certificates, and scholarships that help us all thrive together. Learn more and contribute at
Present to your members at a meeting or event
Short PowerPoint and its Narration script (8-10 minutes). Download
Single slide for pre-meeting scrolling loop. Download
Display or distribute materials
SHRM Foundation Overview handout. Download
Table tent with QR code. Download
QR Codes
Display anyplace where your members will find it easier to scan the code with their phone rather than type the website address, such as table tents, posters, flyers, or presentations.

Get Involved & Donate
Goes to:
3. Host fun events and encourage healthy competition: It adds drama!!
- Find at least one person to help you form your fundraising committee.
- Put out a general call for volunteers or ask a few members to join in. Look for a mix of skills: some people like to plan events or solicit auction prizes, while others are great at selling tickets or keeping everything organized.
- Set up a series of meetings for brainstorming and planning your activities.
Austin SHRM makes a donation on behalf of each speaker that presents at their chapter meetings.
Delaware SHRM Chapter created a local giving club where members received special ribbons designating them as members of the club and they benefited from VIP services all year.
Elizabethtown SHRM uses change for a change to raise funds at their meetings and help create awareness about the SHRM Foundation.
Garden State SHRM held a photo shoot at their past conference and it was a success.
Greater Orlando SHRM raised funds on behalf of the SHRM Foundation by asking members to donate books, and then selling the books during a conference meeting.
Tuscaloosa Chapter volunteers with Comcast Cares. Comcast then makes a donation to SHRM Foundation in the Chapter’s honor.
4. Donate the funds you raise – and check your progress.
5. Say thanks!
Let everyone know what a difference they make and how much you appreciate their participation as helpers and donors.
Ways to appreciate
- Thank your fundraising committee
- List their names in an email or on your website
- Post a video in which you thank them by name
- Tag them (and #shrmfoundation) in an appreciative social media post
- Announce their names at an event and ask them to stand up
- Give them special pins to wear at an event
- Send them a handwritten note
- Present a small gift such as a plant or SHRM swag
- Make a Chapter/Council gift to SHRM Foundation in their honor: with a minimum gift of $50 per person, SHRM Foundation will honor them as members of Team Empower for a year
- Thank your donors
- List their names in an email or on your website
- Speak at events to celebrate the impact they are having on HR, talent, and workplaces
- Announce and celebrate when your Chapter/Council hits milestones in giving, such as a big dollar mark or progress toward your 100% giving goal: this is teamwork!