Answering the Three Most Critical Questions to Advance Belonging in the Workplace

In 2022, the SHRM Foundation measured its impact by one simple, but very tough metric:

We Must Improve Belonging.

One of the most important - and often underappreciated - elements to a better workplace is a feeling of belonging. A workplace where everyone feels that they belong is not only the essential foundation to a thriving organization, but it helps to create a better world. In 2022, the SHRM Foundation made fostering belonging one of our foremost priorities, allowing it to guide our work and unite us behind a shared vision of how we as an organization can have the greatest positive impact. Learn more about this in our Impact Report.

Impacting the World of Work

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We widened pathways to work bridging the gap in hiring between people who value skilled credentials, and people who bring skilled credentials.

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We created mental health interventions that decrease stigma and equip HR professionals to take practical, meaningful action to advance mental health initiatives in their workplaces.

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We strengthened the HR field by advancing on-the-job training and guidance to expand opportunities for apprenticeships and mentorships.

Our Impact by the Numbers


Impressions generated by the skilled credentials awareness campaign


HR leaders and C-Suite executives convened at our groundbreaking Visionaries Summit, to discuss advancing belonging and workplace mental health


Provided in academic and professional development scholarships and grants

2022 Highlights

Honored Leaders Who Have Led Transformational Change

Honored visionaries and change agents advancing workplace mental health, wellbeing and employee belonging at the second annual Tharseo Awards.

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Benchmarked the Need for Workplace Mental Health

Partnered with Otsuka to launch the Mental Health in America Research Report, which details the value of HR policies that foster mental health and wellbeing.

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Advanced Disability Inclusion

Launched Employing Abilities at Work Certificate Program, a roadmap for HR professionals to enhance disability inclusion.

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Started an HR Evolution

Grew the Human Resource Registered Apprenticeship Program (HR RAP), a US Department of Labor-registered apprenticeship program, to upskill untapped talent for entry-level HR positions through on-the-job training and educational coursework.

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Committed to Skills-Based Hiring

Renamed “Alternative Credentials” to "Skilled Credentials" and launched an awareness campaign to inform HR that credentials are imperative, not alternative to skills-based hiring.

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Saluted Untapped Talent

Drove engagement for our Veterans at Work Certificate and gathered diverse representatives for our Military Community Advisory Committee to inform strategies for military community success in the workforce.

Sparked Conversations to Drive Action

Convened 400+ HR leaders and C-Suite executives at our groundbreaking Visionaries Summit in partnership with SHRM’s Executive Network, to discuss advancing employee belonging and workplace mental health.

Thank You

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Many thanks to our generous investors without whose funding none of this work would be possible. Your contributions directly support our mission. They advance our ability to have a collective impact on the workplace and the world.

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A sincere thank you to our SHRM chapters, state councils, and volunteer leaders. We could not do this without your generosity and passion. We deeply appreciate your work in fund raising and amplifying the SHRM Foundation's message.

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