
Abby Knowles

Content Marketing Intern

Abby Knowles is a content marketing intern at SHRM. She assists the content team in enhancing and transforming their content creation through various content series, each featuring a podcast and articles for the newsletters.


University of Mary Washington, B.A. Communications and Digital Studies, minor in Journalism

Honors & Awards:

Dean’s List, Spring 2024, University of Mary Washington

Noteworthy Articles:

We Asked AI to Write 5 Job Descriptions—Here’s What We Learned
This article from SHRM explores the capabilities and limitations of AI in writing job descriptions. By using AI tools like Jasper and ChatGPT to create job descriptions for roles such as Human Resources Manager, Talent Acquisition Specialist, and Employee Engagement Coordinator, SHRM found that while AI can provide a structured framework, human input is necessary for refining and expanding the content. Creative job descriptions for roles like Chief Fun Officer and Ninja of Networking illustrated AI's potential for engaging yet sometimes unclear results.