US Employment Law & Regulations

To learn more about the US Employment Law & Regulations competency, start by viewing the video to the right. Then, explore the content below to expand your knowledge. You'll find micro-eLearnings, articles, how-to guides, videos and more. Happy learning!


These resources are all SHRM verified and supported content.

US Employment Law & Regulations

Federal Statutes, Regulations and Guidance

What should I expect from a Department of Labor audit?

What does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) have to do with HR?

When can an employer pay less than the federal minimum wage under the FLSA?

What are the FLSA timekeeping requirements for employers?

Complying with U.S. Wage and Hour Laws and Wage Payment Laws

Managing Equal Employment Opportunity

Calculating Overtime Pay in the United States


Learn from the best and explore these videos from SHRM conferences.

When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Legal Issues and Hiring Strategies in Era of Legalized Marijuana

Help! I Need to Terminate My California Employee Now What

MEGA SESSION My Employees Can Miss HOW MUCH Work! Managing the challenges of leave under the FMLA and ADA.

Top 10 Things Employers do to get Sued by their Employees in California.

MEGA SESSION Please Sue Me 2019

Employer's Guide to Workplace Flexibility, Compliance with State Leave Laws, and Avoiding Related Claims

Wage and Hour Compliance A DOL Update and Ways to Avoid Overtime Liability Landmines

ACA and ERISA Compliance 11 Steps to Avoid (or Survive) a DOL Audit

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